Strata Management 02 5110 3200
Canberra, Australian Capital Territory
For the client experience you deserve
LMM Solutions Pty Ltd ABN 38 509 624 936
LMM Solutions values client feedback to help us improve.
In addition to the six-monthly Net Promoter Score surveys for our Executive Committee members, we are now including Client Feedback Survey forms with agendas of all General Meetings / Annual General Meetings. This aims to formally gather feedback from all owners in our client's developments to measure our performance and identify how we can improve the services we provide.
To reward our valued clients for their time, we are pleased to announce that from June 2018 onwards we will be running a monthly draw for a $50 gift card to be awarded to one lucky winner from the survey respondents of the previous month.
Terms and Conditions for this draw as detailed below:
1. The promoter of this promotion is LMM Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 38 509 624 936) PO Box 884, Gungahlin ACT 2912
2. The relevant legislative requirements associated with this draw can be found on the ACT Government - Gambling and Racing Commission - Exempt Lotteries. Additional legislative Information and Conditions can be found here.
3. Entry is free and open to all current owners within an LMM-managed Strata (Unit Plan or Community Title) Development each time there is a General Meeting or Annual General Meeting. Tenants who are not owners within these developments are ineligable to enter. Employees of the Promoter and their immedate familes, and the suppliers and agencies associated with this competition are ineligable to enter.
4. The competition commences at 12pm AEST on 1st June 2018 and any owners in LMM-managed Strata Developments that hold a General Meeting or Annual General meeting during each calendar month will be eligible to enter once into the monthly draw by returning (either paper or electronically) a completed LMM Client Feedback Survey form. The winner of the draw will be chosen randomly from the pool of entrants on the 15th of the following month. Entries will stay in the pool of entrants for a period of six months, giving them six chances to win.
5. To meet these time constraints all feedback survey forms must be completed in total and received by LMM Solutions - the Promoter (either via post, hand delivery or email) by 5pm AEST on the 14th of the month following the General Meeting or Annual General meeting to be included in the draw. Any late entries cannot be included in for that months' draw and will be excluded until the following month.
6. Prize winners will be contacted within one week using their contact details provided on the feedback survey form. Upon successful contact with the winner, The Promoter will send out a $50 gift card to their nominated address via Express post. The Promoter will not be held liable for lost or stolen mail.
7. If, in the unlikely event that the Promoter is unable to contact the successful winner within 1 week of the draw, then the prize is considered unclaimed and the Promoter may deem the prize winner is ineligable to receive the prize and a new winner will be redrawn from the pool of entrants.
8. In the case of a redraw, the new winner will be contacted during the following week, with the same time constraints as item 7 above, and so on.
9. The winner will be published on the LMM website here by the end of the draw month.
10. The promoter reserves the right to substitute the $50 gift for another vendors gift card of the same value.
10. Entry into the competition is deemed acknowledgement and acceptance of these terms and conditions.
Please read our Privacy Policy carefully. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Last Update 29 July 2020
(Extended rules to retain entries in the pool of entrants for a period of six months).